Rants, raves, fiction, and laughs

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome LJ People...

Just a quick howdy-do to all my old followers from LJ
Why the switch you ask? Simply, I wanted to remove myself from my old Blog.
The old saint_trogdor blog served me well over the years, but chronicled my adventures through college and motherhood.

This blog is to chronicle my adventures as a professional writer and artist. It was also necessary to get an account on a site that could be more tailored to my needs if you catch my drift. Anyways, here I am and for now, here I'll stay.

I'll be posting my Friday flashes here, but my Madame Bluestocking's Pennyhorrid Fantasy/Steampunk fusion serial will be published on a sister-blog so as not to get the episodes muddled. I will include a link here. : )

Thank you for your patience and welcome aboard the crazy-train.


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