Rants, raves, fiction, and laughs

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rhetorical: It's okay to laugh

The problem with posting a comic essay about your problems on the internet is that everyone feels obligated to respond with a plethora of possible solutions: this kind of defeats the purpose of a comic rant.

When Phyllis Diller complained about her husband Spike, there weren't people in the audience shouting "maybe you should seek couples' counciling!"

I love that people take an interest in my problems, but I have a hard time accepting all the advice with good grace. The fact that I'm prone to exaggeration makes this ten-fold. I want to scream "It's a JOKE people! Don't take it too seriously!"

One can take it for granted that if I'm writing about a problem, particularly a really knotty one, that I'm already taking steps to remedy it, or have accepted my shortcomings. If I'm REALLY depressed about a problem, I don't share it.

This all mostly stems from my fear of asking people for help. I always feel like I'm inconveniencing people when I beg for help; when it comes unsolicited I feel guilt-ridden. That's 2 minutes of someone else's life wasted because they felt they had to advise me on what they thought was a crisis of existence!

Hey all you bloggers out there (HEEEEEY YOOOOU GUUUUUYS!) Does this happen to you? What do you whisper under your breath to avoid clicking on the "reply" box for your own comments thread which has turned into a Dr. Phil episode?

And no, this isn't rhetorical. It's okay to advise me here. *L*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Think: these people must have serious problems of their own if they are so desperate to solve mine

Do: ignore them